Postgres Plus Advanced Server

Postgres Plus Advanced Server offers enterprise features not available in the community edition of PostgreSQL. If you are looking for the absolute best in Security, Development, Ease of Use, Performance, Scalability, or Compatibility, with a TCO for any budget, and backed by world wide world class support, then you need Postgres Plus Advanced Server.
Postgres Plus Advanced Server 9.1 is available today on Linux 32 and 64 bit platforms, Windows 32 and 64 bit platforms, HP-UX and Solaris.
Postgres Plus Advanced Server Features
With Postgres Plus Advanced Server's Oracle compatibility features, you can use existing Oracle-based applications on the PostgreSQL platform, or run adjacent applications that dove-tail seamlessly with your mission critical databases without additional Oracle licenses. You can use these same compatibility features to build new Postgres applications, saving money without re-training and re-coding issues.
Advanced Server's compatibility features focus on five common feature areas:
- SQL Extensions. Advanced Server supplies many critical SQL extensions you rely on, including decode(), the DUAL table, and ROWNUM.
- PL/SQL Support. Advanced Server's procedural language runs Oracle triggers, stored procedures, function packages (like DBMS_UTL, DBMS_RLS, and DBMS_PROFILER), user defined exceptions, named parameter notation, private synonyms, partitioning syntax, GOTO, Bulk Collect/Fetch/Bind, VARRAY, and more.
- Compatibility Tools and Utilities. Advanced Server's Oracle-compatible tools include: EDB*Plus, EDB*Loader, DBLinks, and Oracle Catalog Views, providing experienced DBAs and developers the familiar look, feel, and functionality on which they depend.
- Application Compatibility. The programming framework includes support for 12+ programming languages and 12+ library interfaces including OCL(OCI support).
- Push Button Migration. Finally, the Advanced Server Migration Toolkit provides an easy, low-risk Oracle application migration path that converts schema, data, packages, triggers, stored procedures, and functions into a working Postgres based application.
Highly Available and Very Scalable
If your database systems need to be constantly available and also scale to meet heavy user demands, then you need to look into Postgres Plus Advanced Server. Postgres Plus Advanced Server has a proven track record for supporting the toughest transactional systems as well as read-intensive applications, and is the only independent open source database choice for those needing a powerful database that is priced for almost any budget.
Solutions from EnterpriseDB help ensure that your databases provide high degrees of uptime and are configured for disaster recovery and failover situations. Moreover, EnterpriseDB products and services help make certain that your applications can scale to meet the growth that successful companies experience. With Postgres Plus Advanced Server you get:
- Cloud Database Integration - Postgres Plus Advanced Server, is supported by Postgres Plus Cloud Database where you can take advantage of all that cloud computing has to offer plus push button deployments of robust self-healing high availability elastic database clusters.
- The World's Most Advanced Open Source Database - With Postgres Plus Advanced Server, you enjoy a full-featured and no-compromise database that has been battle-tested and proven to perform under extreme circumstances.
- Integration With Third-Party Clustering Software - Full integration with high availability solutions such as Red Hat's Cluster Suite is available with Postgres Plus Advanced Server.
- Flexible Replication Solutions - With Postgres Plus Advanced Server, you can build sharded systems or other replication architectures with a variety of bundled solutions. Postgres-to-Postgres, Oracle-to-Postgres, Master-to-Master, and similar styled applications are fully supported.
- Standby Database Support - It's easy to set up and utilize standby database failover implementations with software and help from EnterpriseDB.
- Bundled Failover and Connection Pooling - With EnterpriseDB's StackBuilder Plus, you have access to software that allows you to set up and configure failover between Postgres servers and connection pooling to help scale large concurrent user environments.
- Support for "Big Data" - EnterpriseDB's GridSQL solution allows you to configure systems that support TB's of data with fast response times.
For a complete list of supported products, please visit
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